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05. Let the Solution Create a New Problem - Deck of Brilliance - Deck of Brilliance
05. Let the Solution Create a New Problem
05. Let the Solution Create a New Problem

One way to make your product benefit dramatic is to let it create an entirely new problem for the user.

Winning the lottery, for instance, might lead to the problem of figuring out which of your new friends are true friends.

Whiter, brighter clothes — the result of using a new washing detergent— could lead to the new problem of being swarmed by moths at night.

Buying a higher definition TV might result in a family communicating even less with each other.

What makes this approach work is the exaggeration of the new problem to such an extent that viewers don’t really see it as negative, but as an entertaining twist.

At any rate, the admission of a ‘negative’, especially a harmless one, is an interesting technique in persuasion, because it makes the brand appear more honest, approachable and human.

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